THE NEW LIFE CLINIC    5800 Cottonworth Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21209    (410) 323-0499

New Life Clinic Nightly Healing

Pray for one another that you may be healed. - James 5:16

The Nine O'Clock Prayer Time has been a tradition in healing for over eighty years.

Though prayers for healing in absentia have been a part of the New Life Clinic service since the 1950's, the 9 P.M. time for healing prayer goes back to 1930. At that time an article featuring the healing ministry of Ambrose and Olga Worrall appeared in The Reader's Digest. It generated over 14,000 requests for help.

Finding it impossible to pray for so many individually, the Worralls were guided to suggest that those requesting healing should go into the healing silence with them each night at 9:00 P.M. for five minutes. The Worralls would act as transmitters of healing energies, while those in need were asked to become receivers by waiting in a relaxed and expectant state of silence.

Results of this experiment in healing were far-reaching. There were cases of instantaneous healings reported, but many more cases of gradual improvement--even in cases doctors had given little hope.

Over the years the nightly habit of healing prayer has continued. Thousands have both supported and benefitted from this spiritual discipline.

Today the ministry of healing prayer is carried on by members of the New Life Clinic and many others. Though the Worralls have both passed on, many believe they continue to support the healing effort each night from the realm of Spirit.

"How does it work?" people ask.

In the following excerpt from a paper prepared by Mr. Worrall, he offers this explanation:

"Those who wish to receive, simply focus their attention on the supply (of Divine healing energy), relax mind and body, and wait expectantly for beneficial results."

"Though this source of supply is available everywhere, the mind of the average person is conditioned to the belief that an appointment at a specific place is necessary to obtain what one needs. Therefore, most people need a specific point off ocus and a specific time for focusing the mind to provide conditions conducive to the flow of healing power."

Nine O'Clock P.M... a time to heal!